Baldur’s Gate 3: Mastering the Chamber of Justice Puzzle

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is a popular role-playing video game. It’s set in a fantasy world full of magic and adventure. Players make choices that shape the story and face challenging puzzles throughout their journey.

Imagine standing before a ghostly judge, with shadowy paintings all around you. Your next move could change everything. Will you make the right choice, or will your decision come back to haunt you.

The Chamber of Justice puzzle is a key challenge in Baldur’s Gate 3. Players must examine mysterious paintings and decide a thief’s fate. This puzzle tests not just problem-solving skills, but also the player’s sense of right and wrong.

Exploring the Chamber of Justice


When you walk into the Chamber of Justice in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll feel like something big is about to happen. This room in Act 3 Wyrm’s Rock Prison isn’t just any old place. It’s where you’ll make a choice that really matters. The air feels heavy, and you can tell that whatever you do here will change your whole story.

In the middle of the room, you’ll see a ghost-like figure called the Spectral Judge. It looks like it can see right through you. Around the room, there are paintings covered in shadows. These paintings tell the story of a thief, and you get to decide what happens to them. This is what makes BG3’s narrative-driven gameplay so special – the room itself is part of the story, making you think hard about right and wrong.

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Setting and Atmosphere:

The Chamber of Justice feels spooky and important. It’s a bit dark, with lots of shadows. The Spectral Judge stands there silently, reminding you that you’re about to make a big decision. The shadowy paintings aren’t just for show – they’re like windows into different futures. Each one shows what might happen to the thief.

Narrative Context:

The story behind this puzzle is all about Baldurian justice themes. You’re not just solving a simple puzzle – you’re deciding what should happen to a thief. Your choice will affect more than just the thief. It will change how other characters see you and might open or close different paths in the story. This shows how Baldur’s Gate 3 makes every part of the game important to the story.

The Challenge Explained

The Chamber of Justice puzzle isn’t just about finding the right answer. It’s about thinking deeply about what’s right and wrong in the world of Baldur’s Gate. As you stand in front of the Spectral Judge, you’re not just trying to solve a puzzle. You’re thinking about justice, mercy, and what happens when you make tough choices.

In this puzzle, you have to decide what should happen to a thief. But it’s not as simple as just choosing to punish or forgive them. Each choice – shown by a different painting – has its own set of results. Will you choose tough justice, send the thief away, or forgive them completely? What you decide will change things in the game world.

Puzzle Mechanics:

The Chamber of Justice puzzle is all about the shadowy paintings. Each painting shows a different thing that could happen to the thief. Your job is to uncover these paintings, understand what they mean, and pick the one you think is right. This isn’t just about finding the ‘correct’ answer. It’s about understanding what each choice means and how it fits with your character’s beliefs and the big ideas in the game.

Moral Choices:

The heart of this puzzle is about making moral choices in Baldur’s Gate 3. This is what makes the game special. Each painting shows a different way to handle justice – putting the thief in jail, sending them away, or forgiving them. Your choice here isn’t just about solving a puzzle. It’s about showing what kind of person your character is.

Interacting with the Spectral Judge:

The Spectral Judge isn’t just there to look scary. It’s an important part of how the puzzle works. As you look around the room and check out the paintings, pay close attention to how the Judge reacts. It might nod, make gestures, or change how it looks. These small signs can help you figure out if you’re on the right track. Learning to notice and understand these hints is key to solving the puzzle.

Step-by-Step Puzzle Solution


Let’s break down how to solve the Chamber of Justice puzzle. First, you need to clear away the shadows covering the paintings. This is where you’ll use the Remove Curse spell. It’s not just about making the paintings easier to see – it’s like your character is cutting through lies to find the truth. As you cast the spell, watch how the room changes. The shadows lifting isn’t just something you see – it’s an important moment in understanding this tricky situation.

Clearing the Shadows:

The first thing you need to do is get rid of the shadows on the paintings. This is where you use your magic, specifically the Remove Curse spell. When you cast the spell, you’ll see the shadows fade away, showing you what’s really in each painting. 

This isn’t just about making things easier to see – it’s like you’re showing that you want to find the whole truth, not just what’s on the surface. Pay attention to how the room feels different after you cast the spell – these changes might give you hints about what to do next.

Examining the Paintings:

Now that you can see the paintings clearly, it’s time to look at them closely. The Cell painting shows the thief in jail. This is about punishing wrongdoers and keeping society safe. The Exile painting shows the thief being sent away from the city.

Choosing the Correct Painting:

After you’ve looked at all the paintings, you need to make your choice. In Baldur’s Gate 3, “The Cell” is often seen as the most balanced choice. It shows that the crime was serious, but also leaves room for the thief to maybe become a better person.

Interacting with the Empty Niche:

Once you’ve decided, it’s time to put the painting you chose into the empty space on the wall. This isn’t just about moving a painting – it’s the big moment where you show what you think is right. As you walk up to the empty space with your chosen painting, you might notice small changes in the room or in how the Spectral Judge looks.

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Completing the Puzzle


When you put your chosen painting into the empty spot, you’ll feel the room change. The Spectral Judge might nod to show you did well, or the room might get a bit brighter. This moment isn’t just the end of a puzzle – it shows what your character thinks is right in the world of Baldur’s Gate.

Your decision in the Chamber of Justice will change things throughout your journey in Baldur’s Gate 3. Maybe people will start to see you as someone who makes fair decisions, or some characters might treat you differently because of what you chose.

Finalizing the Puzzle:

When you put the right painting in place, you’ll see changes in the Chamber of Justice right away. The Spectral Judge might nod to show you made a good choice that fits with how Baldur’s Gate sees justice.

The room might feel different, maybe lighter or more peaceful, showing that you’ve solved a big problem. You might hear whispers or see quick flashes of images that give you hints about what your choice will mean later on, adding more depth to the story.

Impact on the Game:

Your choice in the Chamber of Justice will change a lot in your Baldur’s Gate 3 adventure. It might change how some characters talk to you, maybe giving you new conversation options or quests.

It could affect your reputation, changing how different groups or places see you. Also, this decision might come back to help or hurt you in surprising ways later in the game, showing how deep and connected BG3’s narrative-driven gameplay really is.

Gameplay Tips and Tricks:

To do well with the Chamber of Justice puzzle and other challenges in Baldur’s Gate 3, always take time to look around carefully. Pay attention to small details in the environment and how characters react – they often give you important clues.

When you have to make big decisions, think about not just what will happen right away, but how it might affect things later on. Don’t be afraid to ask your party members what they think – they might give you new ideas and help you understand the game world better.


Solving the Chamber of Justice puzzle is about more than just moving forward in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s a small version of what the whole game is about – making important choices, dealing with complicated ideas of right and wrong, and understanding the rich backstory that affects everything. As you keep playing, remember what you learned here. 

Every choice you make, even small ones, can change your story in big ways. PC, PS5, or Stadia, the game makes you think hard about your choices and what they mean. The Chamber of Justice is just one of many tricky puzzles and tough decisions you’ll face, each one designed to get you more involved in the game world and help develop your character.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Chamber of Justice located in Baldur’s Gate 3?

The Chamber of Justice is found in Act 3, inside Wyrm’s Rock Prison. It’s a key location for an important puzzle and moral decision.

How do I start the Chamber of Justice puzzle?

Enter the chamber and interact with the spectral Judge. You’ll need to use the Remove Curse spell to reveal the shadowed paintings before making your choice.

What are the possible outcomes of the Chamber of Justice puzzle?

There are three main outcomes based on your choice: imprisonment (The Cell), exile, or pardon. Each has different consequences for your game.

Can I fail the Chamber of Justice puzzle?

There’s no strict “fail” state, but your choice impacts your character’s reputation and future interactions. Consider your decision carefully to align with your desired outcome.

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